How NFTs are changing the art industry 🎨

Mythical Beings
3 min readMar 29, 2023


Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have been making waves in the art world since their inception in 2017. NFTs are unique digital tokens that are verified on a blockchain network, making them essentially one-of-a-kind digital assets that cannot be replicated or duplicated. While the concept of owning a digital asset is not new, the verification and proof of ownership made possible by blockchain technology have opened up new avenues for artists to monetize their digital creations.

NFTs have already begun to change the art world in a few significant ways. Here are some of the most significant changes that NFTs have brought about in the art world:

  1. NFTs provide artists with new revenue streams

In the past, digital artists have often struggled to monetize their creations because they can be easily copied or reproduced. However, with the advent of NFTs, artists can now create unique digital works of art that can be sold as one-of-a-kind assets. This has opened up new revenue streams for artists who previously had limited options for selling their digital creations.

2. NFTs allow for greater control over digital art

One of the most significant benefits of NFTs is that they give artists greater control over their digital creations. With an NFT, an artist can specify the terms and conditions of the sale, including the number of copies that can be made and the price at which the work can be resold. This level of control is not possible with traditional digital art, which can be easily copied and distributed without the artist’s permission.

3. NFTs create new opportunities for collectors

Collectors have long been interested in owning rare and unique pieces of art, and NFTs provide them with a new avenue to do so. With NFTs, collectors can now own one-of-a-kind digital assets that are verified on a blockchain network, providing them with a level of authenticity and scarcity that is difficult to achieve with traditional digital art.

4. NFTs challenge traditional notions of art ownership

NFTs challenge traditional notions of art ownership by providing a new way to own and trade digital assets. With NFTs, ownership of a digital asset can be verified on a blockchain network, which can provide a level of authenticity and permanence that is not possible with traditional forms of ownership. This has led some to question whether traditional notions of art ownership will remain relevant in the digital age.

5. NFTs have created a new market for digital art

Perhaps the most significant impact of NFTs on the art world is the creation of a new market for digital art. In the past, digital art was often undervalued because it was difficult to verify ownership and authenticity. However, with the introduction of NFTs, digital art has become a valuable asset that can be bought, sold, and traded on a blockchain network. This has created new opportunities for digital artists and has brought greater attention to the world of digital art.

In conclusion, NFTs have already had a significant impact on the art world and are likely to continue to do so in the coming years. They have provided artists with new revenue streams, given collectors new opportunities to own unique digital assets, and challenged traditional notions of art ownership. With the growth of blockchain technology and the continued interest in digital art, it is clear that NFTs will play a significant role in the art world for years to come.



Mythical Beings

Mythical Beings is an NFT card collection game. Every card and creature is unique and has an ancient story. You can collect, buy, trade, and craft cards.